Hey hey hey! Long time, no chatter. I’ve been percolating offline this winter, and honestly…it’s been kind of nice.
Today, I want to share with you some of the non-flashy but totally essential things I’ve been working on this winter. It feels selfish to say, but I’ve been focusing a lot more on what I need. It’s less of a self-centered methodology, and more listening to what my body/mind is telling me it needs.
Here are a few simple steps on my winter wellness journey that were a great reset, and have me refreshed for spring.
I started moving my body more.
I’ll be the first to tell you, I have no problem spending all weekend curled up on the couch with snacks and TV. It a bit scary how good I am at being a human log. However, I feel better and my body works better when it’s been active. I put that gym membership to use, and am now a bit of a regular. There hasn’t been a huge change in the way I look, but my energy levels are higher.
I cleaned out some of my belongings.
Besides being a couch potato, I also lean toward being a pack-rat. There was a day in early January where I looked around at all the STUFF I have, and needed to just clean it out. I systematically dragged boxes from the basement and emptied them, keeping only what I absolutely loved or have a specific use for.
Before I started this clean out, I looked up a number of organizations that took donations for things I knew I had excess of (clothes, homegoods, books, etc). As I came across items that I had no longer wanted, I was able to separate them into piles so that they could have a useful second life elsewhere. (Just because I don’t have a use for it anymore doesn’t mean it’s trash!)
I put a pause on shopping.
Seeing all of the piles of stuff that I was getting rid of was a huge eye-opener. Actually, it was kind of gross to see how many clothes I was getting rid of and how many clothes I still had. In order to get a better handle on my consumption habits, I did a no-shop January and February. Two of my blogger friends organized a group of us who were doing no-shop February. It was a fun way to support each other and keep up the momentum. I didn’t keep it up for March, but it’s definitely helped me to re-evaluate my habits and values. I have a long way to go here, so each reset is worth it.
I found my W.E.L.L. Summit Tribe.
I attended the W.E.L.L. Summit in Boston last year, and I was invited to join them this year as an influencer. I am so honored to be working with them, and love their 360-degree view of wellness. It’s not about perfection. Instead, they focus on empowerment and learning.
The next Summit is on April 21st, and I hope to see you there. You can get tickets at the WELL Summit website, and use code WSJessica for 15% off your ticket. I will also hosting a rad giveaway on Instagram starting this weekend, so keep your eyes on this space for details!
Wherever you are on your own personal wellness journey, this is a great event. The community is welcoming, and there is always something new to learn. One of my favorite sessions last year was about financial health. It wasn’t something I expected to see on the lineup; when I think wellness, my first thought is about green living. When you think of wellness as 360 degrees, it makes SO much sense and I learned a ton at that session. I’m so excited to see this year’s session line-up. Hop on over to their website, and I can’t wait to see you on April 21st!